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2024 The Goal Driven Year

Program Detail

The program offers a structured approach for individuals committed to achieving their New Year's resolutions. Through 12 monthly video journal entries spaced a month apart, users set a goal in January and track their progress, setbacks, and learnings, fostering consistent growth and accountability towards their desired outcomes.

This program guides individuals through a year-long video journaling process to set, track, and achieve their New Year's resolutions with monthly check-ins.
Super A.
Super A.


  • January - Setting a New Year’s Resolution
  • February - Progress Update
  • March - Adapting Strategies
  • April - Overcoming Challenges
  • May - Celebrating Milestones
  • June - Reflecting on Progress
  • July - Refocusing & Reenergising
  • August - Embracing Growth Mindset
  • September - Reassessing Strategies
  • October - Maintaining Momentum
  • November - Gratitude
  • December - Reflection and Closure